Valerie Dowdy - Visual Artist

Valerie Dowdy

New’ish to the Central Virginia region, I reside just outside Lynchburg with my husband, and our dog Abe. I create paintings in a surrealistic style, using surprising objects, unexpected juxtapositions, and symbolism to tell a story. My art influences are largely endemic to place, social structure, culture, politics, environment, gender and age. In between paintings I  dabble in digital art, creating a weekly comic called Sassy Wine Chick, and silk painting  in between paintings.

Contact Info:



Twitter & IG:  @valartist

Lynchburg Community Market:
1219 Main Street Lynchburg, Virginia




When did you know that you wanted to be an artist?

My parents say I’ve doodled from the time I could hold a pencil and crayon. I can’t remember ever not thinking of myself as an artist. 

How does your personal story/background influence your art?

We are all the sum of our daily experiences. Days, weeks and years made up of both simple and complicated minutes. Some are spectacular impressions, others generic, sad, happy, or chaotic. As I begin to reflect, understand and accept my self, in turn my art becomes more seamless and fluid.

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Which of your works are you most proud of?

A series of surreal, self portrait work that I have never shown publicly, and probably never will.

What is the hardest part about being a professional artist?

I use a quote often by Matisse, “creativity takes courage”. The reason for this quote is simple. I feel that laying bare your innermost feelings and self on a canvas, for public consideration, (mis) interpretation, judgement, and to then be either accepted or discarded, is terrifying.

Name 2-3 artists that inspire you?

From the masters to the contemporaries, all have paved a way for today’s artists. I have been influenced at different times in my life by many different artists.  If I have to choose only three, I would definitely choose my three children. Raising and creating art with those three filled me with joy, love and wonder.